Black Friday Sales Cause Accidents and Injuries–Our Lawyers Can Help

Long Island Black Friday Shopping

Drive safely during the Thanksgiving season — it’s a dangerous time of year to be on the road.

There are 34% more car accidents on Black Friday, 25% more accidents on the Wednesday before Thanksgiving, and 20% more accidents on Thanksgiving Day compared to the two weeks before and after, according to new data from Progressive Insurance.  For some stores, the crazy sales have led to frequent brawls, viral videos of frantic chaos and violence between shoppers.

At Goldstein and Bashner we are concerned about what “deals” are worth risking your life and well being. As far as we are concerned no deal is worth it. Remember the security guard that was literally trampled to death by a Black Friday crowd on Long Island in 2008? Do you really think stores get it? Do you think that there has been any changes made to how stores operate on Black Friday as a result of the madness that resulted in the death of Jdimytai Damour and four shoppers, including a woman eight months pregnant?

Indeed while some stores have tried to put into place crowd controls, many have not. Keep in mind for many retailers this may be the most important day of year for them. Do you really believe that theses huge department stores will do anything to tone down the”fever” of Black Friday? Of course department stores and other retailers always remain responsible for foreseeable injuries that take place on their property but for the big companies it was and always will be a numbers game. How much do they lose by an injury or even a death versus what they gain by the “big crowd”?

Tips for Staying Safe on Black Friday

  1. These days, you can get many of the same great deals online. In the comfort, safety and conveniene of your own home.
  2. Don’t speed – You aren’t going to be getting the hot deals if you have a car accident. It’s not worth it to speed. Keep yourself and the other people on the road safe by driving at the posted speed limit.
  3. Get rid of distractions – It’s tempting to text while you are driving but its’ also really dangerous. If you text while you drive, you are going to increase your chances of being in a bad car accident by 23 times more than a driver who isn’t texting.
  4. Why not go shopping in the days after Black Friday? Some of the best deal will come within two weeks of the holidays.
  5. If you really feel compelled to go out at 5AM to wait on line for the deals wait in the back of the line. Lets the nuts go in first. Spend a few dollars more save yourself the grief and maybe more.

What to Do If You Are Injured at a Store

If you are injured in an accident in a department store, our lawyers can help you get the compensation you deserve. We work with top-notch investigators and medical experts to present the best case possible. Call us for a free consultation and we will make sure to answer all your questions and let you know your legal options.

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