Long Island Paralysis Injury Lawyer

Paralysis injuries are some of the most traumatic a person can suffer. In one moment someone can be a fully functioning individual and the next, they must use a wheelchair for the rest of their lives. In addition to the physical and emotional pain suffered, these injuries can be financially draining on the injured individual and their families.

A skilled attorney could help injured individuals recoup some of these costs if someone else was at fault for their accident. Additionally, an experienced Long Island paralysis injury lawyer could help those recovering from an accident file their claim and deal with legal obstacles while they focus on their health.

Causes of Paralysis Injuries

Paralysis injuries are caused by trauma to the spine. Workplace accidents, slip and fall incidents, medical negligence, and auto collision are some of the most common causes of these injuries.

In cases where someone else is at fault for an accident, the injured party may have a viable lawsuit. Other times however, injured individuals may have to go through some insurance, such as worker’s compensation. In any case, those injured should speak to a paralysis injury attorney in Long Island that has experience with these different areas of the law.

Claiming Compensation

Paralysis injuries can be expensive as they may require extensive medical treatment as well as the installation of equipment to make one’s home more accessible. Additionally, someone may need to have ongoing rehabilitation treatment as well. People who become paralyzed after an accident may be left unable to work, making it even more difficult for them to manage these costs.

Fortunately, a Long Island attorney could asses a claimant’s paralysis injury case and identify all of the losses for which they may be eligible to receive compensation. In addition to recovering for any medical care costs, an individual also may obtain damages for emotional losses. It is important to note that courts in the state do not cap any of these damages.

Statute of Limitations on Paralysis Injury Cases

Like most other areas of personal injury law, paralysis injury cases have a statute of limitations of three years. This means that a potential claimant must file their lawsuit against a negligent party within three years of the date of their accident. If a plaintiff fails to meet this statutory deadline, a judge will likely dismiss the case.

It is important to note that this three-year timeframe does not apply to all Long Island personal injury cases. Medical malpractice cases, for example, have a statute of limitations of two years and six months. An attorney in Long Island with experience with paralysis injury cases could determine what the deadline may be for a specific case.

Speak with a Long Island Paralysis Injury Attorney

If you or a loved one was left paralyzed after an incident, speak to a Long Island paralysis injury lawyer. You might be eligible for compensation if someone else was to blame for the accident. To get started on your claim, schedule an initial case consultation today.

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